Simplified Balanced Armature Element
Each element is different in construction, but the
basic idea is the same.
Inside the RCA Sound Powered
Element (handset)
Handset MI-2040-A
These are very similar to the old style "Big
Can" headsets also
In the view below you can see the armature balanced
between the two magnets.
It is a thin flat sheet trapped (in this case) between
two adjustment nuts.
Note: The label "perm. magnet unit" is not pointing
to the magnet itself, but instead
to the laminated plates that bring the magnetic field
into play with the armature.
It is part of the "perm magnet unit".
That armature should be centered evenly between the
two magnets units.
If it is not, the element will loose performance.
Below is the diaphragm (large yellow object). It is connected to
the drive rod,
which is connected to the armature.
Inside the Western Electric Sound
Powered Element
D-173012(mic), D173014(ear) the same.
Note that unlike the above RCA unit, the Western Electric unit does
not have
nuts for adjustment. The mass of the drive rod is much smaller also.
The following is a "Tip" from John Hz on centering the armature
on Western Electric
elements for better performance. John just finished up a headset
using these elements.
There are two screws inside. The diaphragm is connected via a rod
to the armature. The
armature was all the way down, touching the lower magnet pole, so
I loosened the two screws
and shimmed the flap off the magnet poles with paper, then tightened
the screws.
Thanks John!
1) Extreme caution must be taken when working with any balanced
armature element. They are very vulnerable to dirt and metal particles
that might enter in while working on them. They are very delicate also,
and will not take very much abuse
2) "Tinkering" with the spacing till it is centered yields more sensitivity
Inside the RCA Electric Sound
Powered Element
This is from a headset of the newer type MI-2454-B.
Much smaller in size than the "Big Can" type
Inside the Automatic Electric
Sound Powered Element
From a set of "decktalker" type headset.
element model GD-51002-B
This element is built very massive in the "frame", but the drive
and armature are very delicate. Much more delicate than the RCA
elements and much
closer to the Western Electric elements.
Inside the Stromberg Carlson
Sound Powered Element
UA1611-1, UA1611-1
also very simular to Telephonic 14070-2 and
Dynalec UA1611-1, UA1611-2
There are small differences between the Stromberg Carlson elements
and the
Telephonic or Dynalec elements. The Stromberg Carlson seem to be
made with a little
more quality then the other two. Mainly in the coil and magnets.
The Diaphragm is much
more flat that most other balanced armature elements.
Very easy to adjust because the adjusting nuts are out in the open.
Inside the British Telephone Sound Powered Element
I believe this element came from a British telephone unit.
It is a balanced armature unit.