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(Communicating with Mirrors)

by James Riddle - KD7AOI

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    Just about everything I've found of interest on the web may be found in the following pages.  I find it helpful to search for the word "heliograph" using [Ctrl f] when reviewing some of the articles. If you know of other interesting sites, or have difficulty with these please let me know.  Websites are highlited in green.

     Although not a web site, I need to tell you about a great book, "Days of the Heliograph" by Lewis Coe, W9CNY.  It is available from "Lew" by mail for only $6.95 including postage at 115 E. 113th Ave., Crown Point, Indiana 46307.  He does not have e-mail or a web site, but if you need to talk to him he can be reached by phone at 219-663-2311.  Be sure and tell him hello for me!   This is a wonderful deal for anyone half-way serious about heliography!

     There were heliograph maneuvers at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in 1905 as you will learn from FQC Gardner's account.   This is the only information I've been able to find so far regarding any military heliographic activity at the old fort.

    Read this fascinating account of G. R. Tweed, RM1c, USN, and the USS McCall II, DD-400.  This is the most fascinating accounts of the use of the heliograph during World War II that I have discovered.  Search for the word "heliograph" if you become a little impatient with the reading.

   Do you know the difference between a "heliotrope" and a "heliograph"?  Well, here is your explanation, complete with pictures.  The heliotrope's use with a shuttered screen would be a heliographer's dream, but no doubt fragile and unwieldy.  By the way, there is a flower called a heliotrope, and rightly so.

  This "warlink" includes a good illustration of how a heliograph works, especially when you keep in mind that the sight and second mirror were never used simultaneously.  I don�t know that this heliograph ever went into production, but wouldn�t it be interesting to construct a model based on its design (anybody interested?).  The key depresses the sun mirror rather than elevating it as with the somewhat similar Mance pattern; I would consider this a disadvantage as it is easier to see the flash going up to a target rather than coming down onto it.  This is especially important during early alignment.

    C. F. von Hermann�s entertaining story of his early years in the Signal Service.  He was Fort Huachuca�s first signalman and was assigned by Lt. Alvarado Fuller to train other men in the use of the heliograph.  Note that he preferred wearing �civvies�.  Can�t blame him, just can't get much respect as a private.

    Bruno J Rolak�s �General Miles� Mirrors � The Heliograph in the Geronimo Campaign of 1886�.  Mr. Rolak certainly has done his homework.

    An early history of mirrors and flags (heliographs and wigwag flags) is certainly worth the visit.  May be a little slow in loading.

    Comments by Bradley O�Neill include heliography at Lake Superior.

    Rudyard Kipling's "A Code of Morals" is of a soldier's intercepted messages to his young wife warning her against possible amorous advances of his commanding officer.

    War in Afghanistan near Kabul is the subject in Howard Hensman's "Battle at Charasia" in October, 1879 from his The Afghan War of 1879-80. (Link currently broken)

   John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, founder of the National Society of Pershing Rifles, put the heliograph to good use in his campaigns against Pancho Villa and in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War.

    The Black Watch, 42nd Royal Highland Regiment Signalling Unit, c. 1898 is featured including a wonderful old photo of a soldier holding a Mark IV heliograph, and another holding a Lime Light Signalling Lamp.  Both instruments are shown in the British Army 'Training Manual - Signalling 1907.'

     The Royal Signals Museum includes a history of signalling during the 2nd Boer War, 1899-1902, and a good picture of General De Wett's heliograph used during the period. 

    A heliograph is used to warn gunners of the approach of Martians in H.G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds", or maybe we could say, H.G. and the Hg.

    Join in on the fun and help out the Boy Scouts with their heliograph signalling activities.  "Operation On Target" is the site where all interstate activities are coordinated.   The scouts use 24" square signal mirrors in setting up networks nationwide.  If you would like to help out no experience is necessary but being a ham and/or knowing code is helpful.  See "What's New" for up coming activities.

    AA9PW, Simon Twigger's website includes an exceptional section for learning Morse Code on line.  This is very useful, though not mandatory, for using a heliograph. You really don't need more than 3 to 5 words per minute to be "fluent" on the heliograph, and in fact can get by simply by writing down the "dits and dahs" as you see them and translating them later.