Crystal Radio
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crystal set

The Radio "Work" Bench
(Work Place)
2004 - 2006
radio work bench

If you would like to share your bench with us, please email me and I will post it here!
If you don't have a digital camera but have a photo, email me and I will give you my snail mail address. I'll do it for you.
If after it is posted you would like to change something, that is no problem! You can even add photos.  
You can click on some photos to enlarge them or
click on the link under the photos for more views

Tip#1..... Puta rug down so you can loose your screws in the carpeting!

Brian Page Workbench
Brian Page

"Mine's not really world class, but it's a start...."

Looks like a good start to me!!

Dave Trott work bench 1
Dave Trott

photo # 2

Sheer simplicity!....?

Bruce Pollack

Art Vandergrift
Art builds "radios" and his son builds "robots"!
Careful not to mix them up Art!!

John Hassell

What a mess!....isn't it perfect!

Catalunya (Costa Brava) - SPAIN

Richard Ferguson

Hey....That's the same way I use my pool table!
Richard also make some of the coils for other people (kits).
Take a look at his other photos here.
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Doug Herigstad

"Creativity is messy by definition"
Doug Herigstad

This has got to get the "Busiest Work Bench" award!

Boy, it's all there!

Bill Meacham
Puerto Rico
(exray on Rap N Tap)

OK, We may have a winner for best photo of a work bench.
Not nessesarily best work bench, just best photo of one.

Bill calls her his "bench tester!"

He said
"Bench doesn't look so nice these days, though."
Bill, we need to talk!! LOL

Roger Horton

Rodger has a lot of room!!!! Check out his other photos below

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Dave Childs
"I try to keep the work bench at a "comfortably busy" level"

Looks perfect to me!!

Photo of his Listening Post Click Here


David Kraeuter

Welcome to David Kraeuter

"Last crystal set I built was in the 1940s, but my Martian Special now plays 24/7/365"

Yes that gets you a place on the "Work Bench" page !!!
Roll up your sleeves and start building!!


Brian Wingard
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Brian was a little disturbed with all the "clean" work benches so he submitted his.
Way to go Brian!!  Fair and Balanced, that's what we like!!

Brian is a member of the
Birmingham Crystal Radio Group.


Dejan's Bench
Dejan is from the Netherlands
This is a serious workbench!
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Dennie Bishop
Complex (In a simple way)


Steve's web site Click Here


Boyd's Auxiliary Bench
Truth is.... Most of my radios are assembled right here!
No room on the other one!!

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Steve Bringhurst's Work Bench
The benches just keep getting better!
Simple yet very sophisticated and elaborate

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Lance Borden's Work Bench
Very nicely laid out! Everything in it's place and right at your finger tips!!

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The Alan Douglas Work Bench
Too much unused room on the bench, don't you think? LOL

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Only this photo of the three will enlarge (kind of).

Sky's Work Benches
Remember, this is a "new" work bench for Sky.
Give him a little time to make it look "lived in"!

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Dave Healy's Work Bench
Dave employs a "watch dog" to keep his bench safe.....or is that a dog that watches?
Heck, I can't remember.

"It's in part of the garage so it gets cold with just the floor heater.
Every time I get up, the dog steals my chair, so I try and not get up much!"

Combo bench and dog house! Smart......very smart!!

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Gil Stacy's Work Bench
I felt I had to include parts of his email to me because it explains his area better than I could.

"I store my stuff in archaelogical order.  This leads to pleasant discoveries months later as I find things I needed months earlier."

"I got ideas for its layout after seeing photos of a NASA Clean Room used to assemble satellites, optical and electronic components.  Perhaps you mistakenly thought I had sent you NASA photos."

You know,.....that is exactly what I was thinking when I first saw them!!

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Kevin Anetsberger's Work Bench
Another one of those disturbing work benches!
Although, that back corner seems to be showing some promise! LOL
Very Nice Bench!

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Gordon McCall's Work Benches
Two of seven work benches he has!!

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Lou's Work Bench
Portable work bench! That is what that is for!
My wife keeps saying it's for something called "ironing"?
I like Lou's idea much better!
Smart....Very smart!

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Dan Petersen
Well, what can be said about a piece of art like this!
Dan's web site Click Here

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Ross Moag
Now this is what I call character!!
"I know where nearly everything is misplaced"

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Mike Peebles
Mike's Web Page Click Here

Mike's "Area" wouldn't all fit on this photo. I would click on the photo to see the "whole" thing!
I checked it out, looks like it's all there!!

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Dave Schmarder
Dave sent me 4 photos. They were all so beautiful, it was very hard to choose just one!
Dave's Home Page Click Here

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The new "High Voltage" soldering technigue
(Don't try this at home!....or anywhere!)


Mike Tuggle
Seriously disturbing!

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Bob Comeau
Bob's Home Page Click Here

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Darryl Boyd
What a PILE!

Crystal Radio

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